Motorola RLN6308 RDX Ultra High Capacity Battery

Motorola RDX Ultra High Capacity Battery.
Works with all Motorola RDX Series Business Radios. The Motorola RLN6308 Ultra High Capacity 2400mAh Lithium Ion rechargeable battery provides up to 26 hours of use with a 2 watt radio (RDU2020, RDU2080D,RDV2020, RDV2080D) and up to 18 hours of use for 4 and 5 watt radios (RDU4100 ,RDU4160D, RDV5100).
The RLN6308 is the same part as the RLN6308A.
Compatible with these Motorola Business Radios:
RDV5100, RDU4100, RDU4160D, and discontinued RDX Series Radios.